
Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Things to Come.

As you've probably noticed, my blog has undergone a few changes. These have been put in in hopes that this blog will continue to become better. 

As I try to get more reviews done, more school work pours in, but I'm trying my best to give you guys the reviews I have planned.

Some added features I'd like to point out:
  • On the left side is a box titled "Fish". Swipe your mouse over it and the fish will follow it. Left clicks drop food for them to eat. They're so cute, please play with it as you wish!
  • I've added the "Translate" gadget to reach out to my foreign readers so they can enjoy my content as well.
  • Labels. I feel stupid for not knowing about them before, but now that I do know about them, I'll be sure to use them. They're in basic categories for now, but soon I hope to possibly start labelling the genre of the anime I'm reviewing.
  • Following. You can follow me on Google+! You can also share my blog and/or specific posts! You can also follow me with your e-mail and get notifications when I post something new!
Also, please leave comments. I'll happily do a review for any Anime if you ask.

With Love,


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